We count it a joy and privilege to welcome you to Tri-County Worship Center. From the moment you walk in the doors at TCWC, you'll begin to understand that everything we do points to:

OUR Mission 



  • The Bible is the inspired Word of God, that it is infallible, and the authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
  • There is one true God, co-existing eternally as a Holy Trinity consisting of three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • Jesus is God in the flesh. He came to earth as a man to redeem man from his sin. Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a perfect, sinless life, was crucified, died and was buried. He rose from the dead and is coming again to unite Himself with His Bride - the Church.
  • Man is saved by grace through faith and that salvation is not by works.
  • There is a separate experience apart from salvation, available to all believers, called the “Baptism in the Holy Spirit,” and that the manifestation of this experience is supernatural gifts and miracles.
  • God heals us today physically, mentally, and emotionally.

OUR VisioN

1. UPWARD – Teaching people to look upward for direction, strength, and healing by:
~Encouraging all believers to have a total commitment to the Lord. At Tri-County Worship Center, we are committed to the lordship of Jesus Christ. This implies a willingness to obey His teachings and to seek His kingdom first. The Christian life is often filled with sacrifices and trials, yet we believe that the rewards and blessings of the obedient Christian life far outweigh any cost that we must pay. Jim Elliot, a young missionary martyr, once wrote, “He is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”

2. OUTWARD –Taking the Gospel message into all the world by:
~Training all believers in personal evangelism. One of the fundamental reasons for the existence of Tri-County is to be an agent for the fulfillment of the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus both in the Bethel community and in the whole world. Most Christians in the United States will testify that if they were not converted to Christ as children, they came to know Christ through the loving ministry of a friend. We emphasize that each believer is a minister, and that we must all reach and love the people that God brings into our lives.

3. INWARD – developing the local church ministry by:
~Raising up “lay leadership.” According to Ephesians 4:11-12, the purpose of pastors and teachers is to equip God’s people to do the ministry. Pastors are seen as coaches and church members as the players. We believe that each member is a minister and that each member has a vital role in the functioning of the church.

For more information or to speak with one of our pastors or staff, please don't hesitate to call!